Week 19th October 2020 – Home Learning

This week we are thinking about ‘Where we Belong’.  We are linking this to families and reading ‘The Smeds and The Smoos’ by Julia Donaldson. We are also thinking about the different ways we can make 3, and where 3 fits into our number line. In phonics, we are not going to learn new sounds, but we are going to concentrate on using the sounds we now know to read and write simple three letter words. This will help secure our knowledge and put into practice what we know.

Image result for The smeds and the smoos


Please click on the document link below to see the activities for this week. If you are absent form school, I will send you phonics and Mathematics through Tapestry as discussed on last weeks page.

19th oct planning BLOG CHART

Hello Reception!

If you cannot be in school when school is open, then please do not worry. Every week, I will add activities that you can do at home onto this blog. We will be doing similar activities in school during our ‘Play and Learn’ sessions through the week.  On the day that you are absent, I will add and send you Phonics and Mathematic lessons through Tapestry. Tapestry will allow you the opportunity to ask questions and for me to give feedback and guidance. It will also allow me to tailor the lessons to your child’s ability and needs. When your child completes one of the activities, add a photo or video to their Tapestry account. We can then see their fantastic work and leave a comment. Please remember that you have your reading book to read. You can answer the questions and complete the activities in the book cover. You also have your phonic green letter formation books and your phonics packs. In your pack, there are lots of ideas and resources to support you with phonics at home.

If you have any questions then please get in touch. My email address is m.taylor@meadowsideacademy.org. I will respond as soon as possible. 

Always here to help,

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Butler and Miss Wood.

                Image result for harvest

This week in school we are thinking about Harvest Festival, Number 3 and learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘d’.

Image result for numberblock 3

Image result for jolly phonics m

Image result for jolly phonics d

Click on the red text below to open this weeks Play and Learn activity chart.

blog plan wc 12th oct