Home Learning Pack


If you are not at school, but you feel well enough, you may like to do some work. You could start by looking through our blog and completing some of the activities below.

You may recognise the tricky word song and maths video on the  Useful Resources page. 

After the first day off school, Mrs Taylor will add daily work to your Tapestry account. Please follow the work and share any pictures as an observation. Mrs Taylor will then respond and give feedback. The work will be uploading the evening before to allow grown ups a chance to look through the work first. If you need resources then please contact the school office or email m.taylor@meadowsideacademy.org.

Take care,

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Meynell



At school, we start the day with Maths, leading onto Play and learn. We then stop at 10:30 for a snack and milk and a story. We have Phonics before lunch. After lunch, we have English/Communication and Language followed by Play and Learn. We finish our day with either circle time or a sing song. I have suggested ideas below for each area of our day so that you can replicate the day at home. Please send me videos, pictures and your work to Tapestry so that I can see all the super things you are doing.


Maths –

Count objects to 10 activities – CLICK ON ME TO OPEN ACTIVITIES



Play and Learn –

Play and learn ideas-home-learning – CLICK ON ME TO OPEN


Phonics –

Think or write as many words as you can think of that rhyme with the words at the top of the page.

Phase 2 Phonics Rhyming String Cards – CLICK ON ME TO OPEN


Phonics Phase 2 Home Learning Challenges – CLICK ON ME TO OPEN


English/Communication and Language –

  • What are we learning in our Big Idea?
  • What have you discovered so far?
  • What do you wonder?
  • How could you find out more information?


Sing Sing/Mindful circle time –

  • Go to our blog home page and scroll down to the Mindful videos. Watch and take part in the videos. Being mindful of how your feeling, especially if you are feeling frustrated or sad, helps you quickly use one of our techniques to help you get back to your cheerful and resilient self.
  • Here are a few of our favourite songs to sing –

You are my sunshine

Baa Baa black sheep

Incy Wincy spider

The wheels on the bus

Row, Row, Row your boat

Hi, my name is Joe

Wind the bobbin up

5 little monkeys jumping on  bed

5 little ducks went swimming one day

5 little men in a flying saucer

5 green bottles

Alice the camel had 5 humps

One finger, one thumb…

1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.


Here is a booklet to help your grown up with the words


Maybe you could add musical instruments or send me a video of you preforming a song.

CHALLENGE – Learn sign language for one of the nursery rhymes we sing.

See the source image