Monday 4th May – Home Learning

Did you do Joe Wicks this Morning? Here is another PE resource available to you. It has some really good games and ideas for you to do at home. Enjoy.

Username –

Password – Meadowside.


Start of the day –

What is the month of the year? Sing our month of the year song. Do jazz hands for this month.

What day was it yesterday? What day of the week is it today? What day will it be tomorrow? Sing our days of the week song. Do jazz hands for today.

What is the weather today?

It was the 3rd day of the month yesterday. I wonder if you know what the date it is today. How do you know?

Maths –

Youtube video – count and move song– count to 20 and march. Use a number line to help if you need to.

Pretend to be a rocket and count down from 10. Challenge – Can you count backwards from 20?

You have shown me that you have a really good understanding of numbers. This week, we are going to think about measuring ‘Weight’.

What do you know about weight? What does it mean? What does measure mean? How do I measure weight? Do you have any scales in your house? What do you use them for? What do they look like? What words tell me the weight of something?

Watch my video. You will need to have a space to stand up, and somewhere you can spread your arms out.


Now that you have learnt about balancing scales and how they show the weight of an item, and now that you know the words heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter and lightest, have a go at the game below. Is the biggest item always the heaviest?


Morning Play and Learn –

Remember how to make a repeating pattern. It is just two or three items that you keep copying itself. Can you make a healthy fruit kebab? You can make a pattern using the fruit. I might make a strawberry, mango, banana one.



Phonics –

Letters and Sounds have set up a programme on Youtube for free. You can watch them teach phonic sounds. It is a really good resource, and very valuable when revising sounds. Please follow the instructions below to access –


Google – Letters and sounds for home and school – Click on the link and it will take you to youtube – click on videos on the task bar – select one titled for Reception. Last week the sounds were ai, ee, igh, oa, oo


There is also a good video to remind you how to say the pure sound for each letter. I hope you find this a useful tool.


Youtube – Tricky word song phase 2. Don’t forget to do the actions too.

Youtube – Tricky words song phase 3. Don’t forget to do the actions too.


Today, we are going to learn the trigraph ‘air’. Watch the video to find out about our new sound.

English/ Communication and Language –

Last week, I asked you to vote what you would like to learn about this week. A lot of you said pets or different animals. I thought it would be great for us to share information about our pet or favourite animal.

Today, I would like you to think about your favourite animal or your pet. Why do you like them? What do they look like? What does your animal do? What is special about your animal? Think about all these questions and send me a video with your answers. Don’t write anything down yet. That is going to come later in the week. Today you are thinking and sharing your ideas.


I will be adding more books to your Rising Star account today. Have you had time to read the books from last week?


Afternoon Play and Learn –


This afternoon, you could paint or draw me a picture of your animal. You could add labels to explain the features of your animal.


End of the Home School Day –

Tidy up all your play and learn mess. Have a chill and ask a grown up to read you a story.